Registration to the Registry Office

The Welcome Association Italy trade union's commitment to supporting foreign and EU citizens arriving in Italy takes shape in various ways. We have repeatedly talked about the Welcome packages reserved for non-EU citizens, today we will introduce our package for European Union citizens requesting registration in the Registry. 1) What is the Registry Office Registration in the registry office is the procedure through which a citizen, both EU and non-EU, requests the Certificate of residence at the registry office of the municipality of reference. This document declares that the applicant for registration in the registry office resides in Municipality X at address Y in Italy. The registry entry itself is a request that the foreign citizen makes to the registry office of an Italian municipality, which implies acceptance by the latter. Once the residence has been confirmed, the foreign citizen obtains rights and duties in Italy, moreover, the Certificate of residence has administrative value because it allows the individual to be located in a given municipal area. 2) Who Can Request it? The application for registration in the registry office can be requested by EU and non-EU citizens as long as they respect and submit the documentation to the municipality to which they intend to apply. Non-EU citizens with a regular residence permit are required to request registration in the registry office. If the residence indicated in the residence permit or card differs from the address for which residence is requested, the non-EU citizen is invited to notify the update of the correct address. EU citizens, with the addition of Swiss citizens, citizens of the Republic of San Marino, Andorra, Vatican City, and of the states belonging to the European economic area of ​​Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein, can request registration if they belong to the following categories:
  • employed or self-employed worker;
  • students enrolled in a public or private institute, holders of health insurance or other qualifications, with the availability of sufficient economic resources for themselves and their family members;
  • citizens who, despite not being workers and students, own sufficient economic resources for themselves and their family members and holders of health insurance that covers risks for themselves and their families;
  • a family member accompanying or joining an EU citizen already residing.
3) How to request registration in the registry office The EU citizen, at the end of the three months in Italy, is required to register in the registry office of the municipality of reference. To proceed with the request, it is necessary to inquire on the website or at the registry office of the Municipality in which you intend to apply, because the required documentation varies depending on the category to which the EU citizen belongs. In the case of an EU student, for example, the documentation is as follows:
  • single ministerial declaration form (declaration of residence)
  • identity card from the country of origin valid for expatriation or passport
  • enrollment in a recognized public or private school or university, research activity
  • availability of sufficient economic resources to stay in Italy, according to Legislative Decree 30/2007
  • private personal health insurance suitable for covering all health expenses throughout the national territory (minimum 1 year or at least equal to the course of study or professional training if less than one year)
Please note that the registration form can be presented to the registry office of the town hall in person, by Certified Electronic Mail/ordinary e-mail with a photocopy of the identification document, or by registered letter attaching a photocopy of the identification document.
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