Welcome Association Italy propone numerose e prestigiose convenzioni in collaborazione con organizzazioni che condividono l’importanza di creare sinergie, per mettere a disposizione dei nostri soci vantaggi e servizi nuovi e in continuo aggiornamento.
Welcome Association Italy si assicura che ogni partner metta in campo le proprie specifiche competenze, con l’obiettivo di offrire le migliori soluzioni per ogni singola esigenza.
Per poter usufruire delle nostre agevolazioni economiche, è indispensabile essere soci.

Le nostre agevolazioni:

Perché scegliere W.A.I.?

Welcome Association Italy fornisce un supporto continuativo ai soci, offrendo assistenza completa in fase di adesione e in tutti gli step successivi. I nostri Welcome Assistant sono sempre disponibili per fornire informazioni utili, aiutando chi visita per la prima volta l’Italia e chi già soggiorna nel nostro Paese.

Welcome Association Italy offre convenzioni con partner di alto livello, garantendo qualità e affidabilità. Attraverso le nostre collaborazioni con le comunità straniere in Italia, offriamo un ambiente accogliente e ricco di eventi che favorisca l’interazione sociale e l’integrazione degli stranieri.

Scopri le altre convenzioni

Convenzioni e tutela

Convenzioni per corsi di
formazione e lingua

Convenzioni sanitarie con
strutture partner

Network convenzionato
di CAF e Patronati

Agevolazioni per
assistenza legale

Convenzioni per servizi
finanziari e bancari

CiaoItaly was founded in Turin in 2008 as a school specializing in teaching Italian language and culture to foreigners.

Members will have exclusive access to a discount for the purchase of all courses offered by the school as well as the purchase of books .

SPM 2004 , a training organization accredited by the Lazio Region, organizes refresher courses, seminars, masters ,conferences and professional training courses.

L’ Accademia Lingua Italiana Assisi, founded in 1993 by Angelo Chiuchiù, is a year-round center of Italian language and culture that receives students, scholars and professionals from all over the world.

Since 2000, all Academy courses have been under the patronage of the Regional Council of Umbria and the Municipality of Assisi. Since 2002 the Academy has been recognized by MIUR and since 2004 it has been an Accredited Training Body by the Region of Umbria. It has been affiliated with the University for Foreigners of Siena since 2000. Since 2008, he has collaborated with the University of the Pacific, Elon University and Neumann University.

L’ Il David Institute is a private school that has been offering Italian language and culture courses to foreign students for over 35 years for all levels. It is located in the center of Florence and is open year-round. Members receive a confidential discount on the cost of Italian language courses.

The Cultural Association “Mangiaparole – Scuola di Italiano” since 2018 has been organizing Italian courses for foreigners for all CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Knowledge) levels in presence in Rome and major cities in Italy and online worldwide.

Contact: www.scuolamangiaparole.com tel: +39338/1688530; +39338/1987641; email: info@scuolamangiaparole.com

Academy of Costume & Fashion has a long tradition of training professionals for the fields of Fashion, Costume, Communication and Management, qualifying over the years as a pole of excellence for its educational offerings. Founded in 1964 in Rome by Rosana Pistolese, costume and fashion historian, as well as costume designer for theater, television and film, and fashion and costume writer and publicist; under the Patronage of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the Municipality of Rome, ENALC, and the National Chamber of Italian Fashion.

Accademia Costume & Moda provides courses of study legally recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and falls under the field of ‘Alta Formazione Artistica Musicale e Coreutica (AFAM).