Rules of Application of the Statues of Welcome Association Italy

These Application Regulations are effective as of January 02, 2020.


ARTICLE 1 – Admission of Members

Any natural or legal person who applies to the Association may apply for admission to Welcome Association Italy as a Member. All applications will then be evaluated by the Board of Directors of the Association, based on the provisions contained in the Articles of Association and these Application Regulations.


ARTICLE 2 – Method of Membership

For admission to Welcome Association Italy, the prospective Member must:
a) fill out and sign the membership application prepared on the appropriate form made available by the Association, including through the online mode found on the Association’s website; taking care to indicate the e-mail address to which all communications relating to the membership relationship will be sent, to complete all mandatory fields and to provide consents for:
– the information on the processing of personal data prepared by Welcome Association Italy;
– the mandate of representation for the management/assistance of the agreements/conventions provided for in the membership fee, through which Welcome Association Italy can act on behalf of the members to enter into contracts with third-party entities/subjects that provide for the best offer for performance or services for the benefit of the members themselves;
– The information on the processing of personal data prepared by third-party entities/subjects.
(b) Provide payment of the membership fee at the same time as joining any of the options that provide for the solution
insurance for the different categories of Members made available by the Association.
(c) The admission of a new Member to the Association shall in all cases remain subject to ratification by the Association, by resolution of the Board of Directors.


ARTICLE 3 – Entry in the Register of Members

Once the Board of Directors accepts the application for membership, it will admit the new Member by entering his or her name within the Register of Members and classifying him or her according to the specific category indicated in Article 8 below. A Member is considered enrolled in the Association upon submission of the membership form and payment of the membership fee. Within 30 days after payment of the fee
membership, the Board of Directors will ratify the membership or reject it. Failure to send the rejection notice within 40 days after enrollment will result in its final finalization from the beginning of the membership relationship.


ARTICLE 4 – Knowledge of the Statute and Regulations Application

The Member must scrupulously abide by all rules and prescriptions contained in the Statute and Application Regulations, as well as all resolutions duly passed by the statutory bodies and direct communications to the Members.
Upon applying for membership, the Associate agrees to acquaint himself/herself with the rules contained in the current Statute, Application Rules, and to be familiar with and abide by the activities and purposes of the Association. The Association ensures the provision of all social documentation and all information of services offered directly and indirectly to members.
Documentation will be made available on the Association’s website. It also undertakes to send to the Member (or publish on the website) notices and communications concerning changes in the social organization, making available new services and, more generally, any useful and significant information concerning the Association itself. Communications will be sent to the e-mail address given by the member in the membership application (see Art. 9 -10-11 below).


ARTICLE 5 – Obligations of Members

Each Member by signing the membership form agrees to:
– Observe the rules of the Statute, the Application Regulations as well as the resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors;
– Pay the annual membership fee, the amount of which is decided by the General Meeting of Members;
– Carry out the activities agreed upon in advance;
– Maintain behavior in accordance with the purposes of the Association.


ARTICLE 6 – Rights of Members

Each Member by signing the membership form has the right to:
– Attend membership meetings and vote directly;
– To know the programs by which the Association intends to implement the social purposes;
– Participate in the activities promoted by the Association;
– Take advantage of all the services of the Association;
– To vote in the General Meeting of Members for the approval and amendment of the Statute, Application Regulations, and for the appointment of the Association’s governing bodies.


ARTICLE 7 – Special Funds

In keeping with the institutional purposes of the Association, the Board of Directors, at its sole discretion, may resolve to establish special funds with a restricted destination, from which sums may be withdrawn to be allocated to Bodies, Societies and Institutes for research in the field of health, study in the mutualistic field, charity, and volunteer work, operating both in the national territory and in the rest of the World.


ARTICLE 8 – Membership Categories.

Pursuant to Art. 5 of the Statute, the Members of the Association, whether natural or legal persons, associations or entities, are divided into the categories indicated below, to which correspond the rights and obligations, defined in Art. 5-6 of the Statute above: Founding Members, Resident Members, Promoting Members and Staying Members. The acquisition of the status of Promoter Member and Resident Member – Person
Legal, is subject to the formalization of appropriate contracts and/or Conventions resolved by the Board of Directors of the Association, aimed at regulating the activities carried out by them.


ARTICLE 9 – Admission and Dues for Staying Members.

Foreign nationals staying for a short or long period in Italy may apply for admission to the Association as Sojourning Members. The admission procedure is carried out as stipulated in Art. 2 of these Application Regulations. In the application for membership, the Associate shall also:
– indicate any option for the services made available by Welcome Association Italy through specific agreements in the insurance field, at the same time providing for the payment of the relevant cost established by the insurance company to which the Association may apply in the name and on behalf of the member through the instrument of mandate with representation;
– indicate the e-mail address to which all communications related to the membership relationship will be sent.
The membership fee is valid for one year after payment of the fee. During the term of the fee, the Staying Member can renew or choose the services and benefits needed by him without having to pay the membership fee again.


ARTICLE 10 – Admission and Dues for Resident Members.

All natural and legal persons residing in Italy may apply for admission to the Association as Resident Members. The admission procedure is carried out as stipulated in Art. 2 of these Application Regulations.
In the Application for Membership, the Associate shall also:
– indicate any option for the services made available by Welcome Association Italy through specific agreements in the insurance field, at the same time providing for the payment of the relevant cost established by the insurance company to which the Association may apply in the name and on behalf of the member through the instrument of mandate with representation;
– indicate the e-mail address to which all communications related to the membership relationship will be sent.
The Membership Fee is valid for one year after its payment.


ARTICLE 11 – Admission and Dues of Promoting Members.

They may apply for admission to Welcome Association Italy as Promoting Members:
– Resident Members regularly registered with Welcome Association Italy and in good standing with the payment of the annual membership fee, who expressly request it;
– Legal persons with registered offices in Italy, who expressly request it. Legal entity Promoter Members are represented by the legal representative and are required to register as Resident Members and pay the relevant membership fee.
In any case, the status of Promoter Member, whether an individual or a legal person, will be recognized only after signing the appropriate Promoter’s assignment made available by Welcome Association Italy and formally accepted by the Board of Directors.


ARTICLE 12 – Collective memberships

Collective memberships of individuals from universities, training centers, trade unions, CAF/Patronati, companies, mutual societies, cooperatives, associations, institutions or funds are envisaged, identifying specific ways for Members to join. In any case, it remains compulsory to complete and sign a membership form after each member has read the disclosures prepared by third-party entities/subjects.


ARTICLE 13 – Commencement and duration of registration in the Book of

A Member is considered enrolled in the Association upon submission of the membership form and payment of the Membership Fee. Within 30 days, the Board of Directors will ratify the membership or reject it. Failure to send the rejection notice within 40 days after enrollment will result in its final finalization from the beginning of the membership relationship. One automatically forfeits membership in the Association if he/she fails to pay the Membership Fee after 40 days from the due date. Membership in the Association is indefinite and cannot be arranged for a temporary period, subject in all cases to the right of withdrawal.


ARTICLE 14 – Age limit

W.A.I. Members in good standing will be able to take advantage of the services/performances by accepting any age limits stated in them.


ARTICLE 15 – Method of payment of the membership fee and the
costi per i servizi/prestazioni prescelte

Payment can only be made through the following methods:
– bank transfer;
– cash;
– credit card/PayPal;
– postal bulletin.
For each payment by bank transfer, credit card/PayPal or post office bulletin, whether for membership fee or costs related to the chosen services/performances, a collection fee will be charged to the Member, the amount of which will be determined and resolved annually by the Board of Directors.


ARTICLE 16 – Withdrawal from Membership.

La qualità di socio si perde per decesso, mancato pagamento della quota sociale, recesso ed esclusione. Any Member may withdraw from the Association at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors; such withdrawal shall be effective immediately. The obligation to pay the Membership Fee for the current year remains intact.


ARTICLE 17 – Processing of Personal Data (Regulation (EU).

By signing the membership application, the Member, having taken note of the information provided by Welcome Association Italy in accordance with Regulation (EU) 679/2016, expresses consent to the processing and communication of personal data in accordance with the same information.


ARTICLE 18 – Operation of services/performances put to
provided by Welcome Association Italy

The Association agrees to make all informational documentation available to Members prior to registration and subsequently in its restricted area located on the Welcome Association Italy website. The Association is committed to providing all necessary assistance to Members to take advantage of the agreements/conventions signed in its interest. Specifically, for the insurance benefits in the options, the assistance inherent in the management of insurance policies and consequent reimbursements following reported claims are the sole responsibility of the Insurer with whom an agreement has been signed.