Family Reunification Visa, How to Obtain, and Which Documents to Present

The residence permit for family reunification allows a European or non-EU citizen legally residing in Italy to invite their closest relatives to Italy. This bureaucratic tool derives from a fundamental right enshrined in the Italian Constitution and reaffirmed in Art. 28 of the Consolidated Law on Immigration, or the concept of "family unit".

Who can apply for family reunification visa?

To invite family members to Italy, the foreign citizen has to be a legal resident (residence card or residence permit for more than six months) and apply for the Nulla Osta at the Sportello Unico. The request is made by the citizen who satisfies these conditions and for the benefit of his family members who intend to arrive in Italy. Citing the “Testo unico per l’Immigrazione”, in particular the Art. 29 of the latter, the foreign citizen can request reunification for the following family members:
  • spouse or part of a civil union not legally separated and aged eighteen or over;
  • minor children, of the applicant or of the reunited, born inside or outside the wedlock, provided that the other parent has given his consent;
  • adult dependent children, who cannot provide for their own essential needs due to their health condition or total disability;
  • dependent parents, if they have no children in their country of origin. Moreover, parents over the age of sixty-five, if the other children cannot provide for their maintenance for documented, serious health reasons.

What are the documents for family reunification visa?

At this point, we know that there are two parties involved in the request, namely:
  • the foreign citizen residing in Italy who invites and presents the authorization (applicant)
  • family members who intend to join him/her (rejoined)
Once the actors of the request have been defined, the real bureaucratic process begins. First of all, it is necessary to inquire on the website of the Embassy of the country of origin about the necessary procedures and documents.

Personal data, accommodation, and income

Although the documentation required by the Italian institutions may change according to the age of the invited family member, it can be stated that the main documents for reunification are:
  1. personal documentation. Passport of the applicant and of the family members abroad, card or residence permit of the applicant, family status certificate, tax code, miscellaneous and eventual
  2. accommodation documentation. The Italian authorities will request different documents depending on the accommodation of the applicant. For example, if the latter is rented, it is necessary to attach a rental contract of not less than six months, a certificate of housing suitability issued by the municipality of residence, and a consent and identification document of the owner of the accommodation.
  3. Documentation for income. Again, different documents will be required depending on the job type of the applicant. For example, an applicant-employee must attach:
  • employment contract,
  • last three payslips,
  • last tax return,
  • identity document of the employer,
  • self-certification from the employer on the "S3" model.

Family reunification online

Once the aforementioned documentation has been obtained, the applicant can also apply for authorization for reunification. The procedure can take place in paper format, by presenting the documents to the reference Prefecture, in particular to the Sportello Unico, or, in online mode. In the case of online family reunification, the applicant must access the Immigration Portal. Subsequently, he will have to log in via SPID and start the procedure in the appropriate section of the Ministry of the Interior website.  

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