Italian Identity Card for Foreign Citizens

How to apply for Italian identity card for foreign citizens? Those who travel to our country, for example for work or study reasons, need this document to stay in Italy for long periods of time. The electronic identity card for foreigners is also a useful tool for taking advantage of health care. In this small guide, we summarize the steps necessary to obtain it.

 Italian identity card, who can apply for it?

Before proceeding with the process of requesting this identity document, it is important to know if you have the right requirements. They can request it:
  • citizens in possession of a regular residence permit and registered residence in the Italian territory;
  • who is in possession of the identity card for EU citizens, issued by their own country and registered residence in the Italian territory.
For all resident foreign citizens, the Italian ID card has only the value of an identification document and does not constitute a valid document for expatriation.

 Identity card, conditions for issuing

Foreigners can apply for this identity document at any time by going in person to the Registry Office of their Municipality of residence. The minor must be accompanied by both parents, with a valid document or guardian.

How to apply for the Italian identity card for foreigners?

Citizens of the European Union must go to the Registry Office of their Municipality of residence with a valid identification document. Non-EU citizens, on the other hand, must bring a valid passport and residence permit with them. If the latter has expired, the request for renewal of the same will be valid. It is necessary to attach three recent photographs with a white background, half-length, bareheaded. The only exception is the case in which the covering of the head with a veil, turban, or other is imposed by religious reasons, provided that the facial features are clearly visible.

Identity card, cost, and issuing times

The cost varies but is usually set at €5.42. The request for the renewal of the identity card must be made 180 days before the expiry. The release is immediate, except in particular cases.

 What is the CIE

The electronic ID is the identity document of Italian citizens that allows access to the online services of authorized Public Administrations. Numerous Public Administrations, following the diffusion of the use of digital identity, has integrated the "Entra con Carta di Identità elettronica" identification system within the services offered online. Thus, they allow users to log in quickly and securely.

Validity of the electronic identity card for foreigners

The validity is:
  • 3 years for children under 3;
  • 5 years in the age group between 3 and 18 years;
  • 10 years from the date of issue for adults.
In general, it has the same duration as the residence permit. It is valid only on Italian territory and cannot be used for expatriation. If the Public Security authority does not renew the residence permit, the document must be returned to the Registry Office of the Municipality or district in which you reside.  
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