The health insurance for foreigners in Italy

Applying for or renewing a health card for foreigners staying or residing in Italy allows them to use the services offered by the facilities of the National Health Service (NHS). The modalities change depending on the reason and duration of stay. Below we provide a brief guide on how to apply for a health card online for EU and non-EU citizens in Italy. Index What is the health insurance for foreigners Health insurance for foreigners: non-EU citizens How to apply for a health insurance card online How to renew your health card

What is the health insurance for foreigners

According to the Agenzia delle Entrate, a health card is a personal document that could be issued to all citizens who are entitled to the services provided by the National Health Service (NHS). This document, therefore, indicates membership in the Italian national healthcare system. The document becomes more important for non-EU citizens who decide to stay in Italy, as it guarantees them full accessibility to public health services.

Health insurance for foreigners: non-EU Citizens

Citizens from countries outside the EU are entitled to health care through a subscription to the NHS. The procedure for joining is very simple, just go to the Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) of territorial competence providing:
  1. a valid identification document;
  2. the tax code issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate;
  3. the residence permit or the receipt of the residence permit application.
Registration with the National Health Service has the same duration as the residence permit, the document with which it overlaps. Moreover, the extra EU citizen that has applied to the NHS extends its coverage to relatives regularly residing in Italy.

 Can EU citizens apply for a health insurance card?

Yes, but again it depends on the EU citizens staying in Italy. For stays of less than three months, there is EHIC, the European Health Insurance Card. This is a free card, issued by the national health service in the country of residence, which entitles the holder to benefit from healthcare in the countries of the EU and the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland). On the other hand, for EU citizens staying in Italy for more than three months, enrollment is free and mandatory for work and, consequently for their relatives. In the absence of these conditions, the EU citizen can apply for a health insurance card by presenting the certificate of registration.  
Health insurance in Italy
  <90 days >90 days
EUcitizens EHIC NHS
Extra EU citizens Ad hoc payment for medical treatment NHS

How to apply for a health card online

You can apply for the issuance of the health insurance for foreigners card online by transmitting your data to the so-called Sistema Tessera Sanitaria. This will enable you to receive it by mail at your tax domicile. Through the TS System website, one can check the status of the application, facilitating the foreign citizen and digitizing the application.

How to renew the health insurance card

The card is valid for six years from the date of issuance while for foreigners it is valid for the same period as the duration of the residence permit. Regarding the renewal of health insurance for foreigners, the procedure can be done at the ASL or Agenzia delle Entrate. In addition, the foreign citizen can apply for the renewal and the mailing of a new card telematically. Again, he will obtain a replacement certificate while waiting to receive the insurance card with the new expiration date at his home.

 Alternatives to the health card for foreigners

The Italian National Health System guarantees excellent forms of healthcare, one above all, the figure of the general practitioner. At the same time, some limitations characterize Italian public health care, such as long waiting times for specialist visits and/or surgeries. Precisely because of these limitations, foreigners can arrange for the purchase of private health coverage that can replace membership in the NHS. The main differences between NHS and private health coverages concern the duration and services covered.

Differences between NHS and private health coverage

NHS has a fixed annual term, regardless of the date of subscription, coverage ends on December 31 of the same year. Private health coverage, on the other hand, can have a six-month or annual term, and the applicant determines the date of activation. Obviously, in the case of non-EU citizens, private health coverage is active only under the condition of having applied for a residence permit. On the side of guaranteed services, the main difference to the advantage of the NHS is the figure of the general practitioner. In conclusion, although there are differences between NHS and private coverage, both comply with the requirements of Italian authorities to apply for a residence permit.  
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